Cooperation and partnerships

No Institution Name Number and Cooperation Type Start cooperation End of cooperation Obtained Benefits
Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Pilot Program of Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Post-SM-3T Program in 2016-2017 14-03-2016 13-03-2019 FKIP UNS gets the trust to run the Post-SM-3T Teacher Professional Education Period 2016-2017. BEIL2 (Bachelor’s Degree Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education) lecturers become teachers at PPG.
2 Language Development and Guidance Centre (BPPB) of Ministry of Education and Culture (01/UN27.02/KS/ 2015)
(3820/G5.07/HK/ 2015)            
30-10-2015 30-10-2020 Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education, Research and Community Service) & Language and Literature Development in Central Java
3 Universitas Mulawarman (145/UN17.9/TU/ 2016) 26-01-2016 26-01-2021 Education, Research, Community Service
 4 Director-General For Asean Cooperation at Indonesia Foreign Affair Ministry (NK/KA/15/10/2016/ 45)
(12775/UN27/KS/ 2016)              
26-10-2016 26-10-2021 Cooperation in the education, research, and community service
5 Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) (1155/UN2.6/KS/ 2016)
01-11-2016 01 -11-2021 Education, Research, Community Service, and Human Resource (HR) Improvement 
6 Research Center for Science and Technology (PUSPITEK) Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (17/PKS/P2/XI/2016)
(13838/UN27/HK/ 2016)                    
14 -11-2016 14 -11-2021 Capacity Development of Science and Technology Resources (IPTEK)
7 Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (21.2/D4/KP/2017)
05-01-2017 05-01-2022 The Development and Improvement of High School Quality
8 Universitas Bangka Belitung (3355/UN50/KS/ 2017)
04-09-2017 04 -09-2022 Education, Research, and Community Service
9 Ardhya Garini Foundation Education and development program of Pradita Dirgantara High School 17-04-2017 17-04-2022 Both parties can cooperate in education, research, and community service activities, the development of excellent schools as school labs, the development of the quality of human resources, and other activities in the field of education.
10 Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Lecturers (ADOBSI) 034/KS.01/Adobsi/XI/2016 2-11-2016 2-11-2021 Cooperation in the education, research, community service, human resource development
11 Griffith University Brisbane Australia Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) 07-11-2011 Unlimited The Development of PGMIPABI
12 University of Kebangsaan Malaysia Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) 12-09-2017 Unlimited Both parties agreed to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of teaching, research and all things based on the agreement of both parties.

Cooperation with HEIs and other academic institutions or networks

No Institution Name Cooperation Type Start cooperation End of cooperation Obtained Benefits
Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programs (IKAPROBSI)
Indonesian Education Evaluation Association

Association of Indonesian Literature Scholars

Indonesian Language Trustees Association

Cooperation in the education, research, and community service Unlimited Cooperation in the education, research, community service, human resource development
2 Solopos, Joglosemar, Jawapos, Suara Merdeka, TATV Student Internship Unlimited Implementation of the Internship Recruitment Program (INTERNSHIP) Implementation of Workshops & Lectures on Community Service, Research, and Student Competency Development
3 UGM Press, UNS Press,  Tiga Serangkai, Penerbit dan Percetakan Yumna Perkasa Group. Student Internship Unlimited Implementation of the Internship Recruitment Program (INTERNSHIP) Implementation of Workshops & Lectures on Community Service, Research, and Student Competency Development
 4 Mentari FM,  Slank FM,  Opini FM,  Solopos FM,  Radio Balaikota,  Meta FM Student Internship Unlimited Implementation of the Internship Recruitment Program (INTERNSHIP) Implementation of Workshops & Lectures on Community Service, Research, and Student Competency Development