Graduate profile of Bachelor’s Degree Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education (BEIL2), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, is a role that graduates can carry out after completing the learning process by KKNI level. BEIL2 graduate profile in FKIP UNS is determined by the study program based on: (1) Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programs (IKAPROBSI), (2) the results of the analysis from scientific development and expertise, (3) analysis of field needs and stakeholders, and (4) the results of the current curriculum evaluation.
BEIL2 of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNS has alumni considered by the curriculum development team to form a tracer study instrument. It is distributed to the alumni to gain the responses related to the abilities that need to be strengthened and added to the determined graduate profile. The tracer study instrument is expected to reveal information relating to (1) the waiting period for graduates, (2) learning that is following the latest in science and technology, (3) a curriculum that supports graduate profiles, (4) alumni contributions, and stakeholders/ users of curriculum development (substance, presentation, and language).
The determination of the graduate profile must refer to the graduate qualification level under the SN-Dikti (the National Standard of Higher Education). Aspects that need to be considered are attitudes, knowledge, general skills, and special skills that a graduate will master. The conformity is accomplished by comparing it to the general description of CPL (generic descriptor) in the KKNI (Indonesia Qualification Framework).
The distinctiveness of study programs can be built by searching for regional potentials and advantages and looking at the challenges and problems ahead that can be solved by the graduates’ ability at their level. Likewise, the development of various sectors that appear in society can be accommodated to the graduate profile. The formulated profile will be the basis for the formulation of the program learning outcomes (CPL).
Following are the results of the tracer study reported. The reported tracer study results use 350 alumni data who have responded to the distributed instrument. From this data, information is obtained: (1) the average time lag in getting their first job is seven months, (2) the average graduation rate is four years and four months, (3) 51% of graduates have jobs that are different from their first jobs. It can be visualized in Figure 1 to clarify the information related to it:
Figure 1. The results of the tracer study related to the time lag in getting a job, the average graduation time, and a job that is different from the first job
The graduates of BEIL2 FKIP UNS obtained jobs after graduation with a percentage of 71% (249 graduates) and before graduating 29% (101 graduates), which can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Time to get a job after graduation
Meanwhile, the first professions obtained by graduates are (1) teachers by 60% (210 graduates); (2) tutors by 12% (42 graduates), (3) customer services by 12% (42 graduates), (4) editors 6% (21 graduates), (5) journalists by 2% (7 graduates), (6) broadcasters by 2% (7 graduates), (7) entrepreneurs by 4% (14 graduates), and others by 6% (21 graduates). It can be seen in Figure 3 below to clarify the data for this report:
Figure 3. Types of graduates’job
Some obstacles for graduates in getting their first job were: (1) the lack of information on networks of cooperation with study programs by 6% (21 graduates); (2) the number of graduates is less than the required amount of 4% (14 graduates); (3) the ability to speak English is less than 2% (7 graduates); (4) lack of relationship/partnership network by 3% (11 graduates), (5) many competitors who are superior by 4% (14 graduates), (6) no call according to the preferred location by 5% (17 graduates), and (7) no obstacles by 76% (266 graduates). Figure 4 is presented below to clarify this information.
Figure 4. Graduates Constraints in Getting a Job
Some of the graduate responses related to learning in BEIL2 of FKIP UNS according to the latest in science and technology answered: (1) very suitable by 228 graduates (65%); (2) suitable by 70 graduates (20%); (3) suitable enough by 35 graduates (10%); (4) less suitable by 17 graduates (5%); (5) not suitable by none (0%). Figure 5 is presented below to clarify this information.
Figure 5. Suitability of learning with the latest in science and technology in BIEL2 FKIP UNS
Some of the graduate responses related to the curriculum of BEIL2 FKIP UNS that supports the graduate profession answered: (1) very supportive by 270 graduates (77%); (2) supportive by 53 graduates (15%); (3) quite supportive by 17 graduates (5%); less supportive by ten graduates (3%); (5) not supportive by none (0%). Figure 6 is presented below to clarify this information.
Figure 6. Study Program Curriculum Supports Graduate Profile
The graduate profiles of BEIL2 FKIP UNS is determined based on several aspects. There is the agreement of the Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programs (IKAPROBSI), the analysis of scientific developments and expertise, analysis of field and stakeholder needs, and the results of tracking graduates and curriculum evaluations. The following matrix of the graduate profile is in the following:
Graduate Profile | Description of Graduate Profile |
1. Indonesian Language and Literature Educator | Indonesian Language and Literature Educator who is:
2. The researcher of Indonesian Language and Literature Learning and Implementation | The researcher of Indonesian Language and Literature Learning and Implementation are:
3. Indonesian Language Teacher for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) | BIPA teachers who are:
4. Editor (Editor) | Editors (Editor) who are:
5. Journalist | The journalist who:
6. Broadcaster | Broadcasters who are:
7. Drama and Theater Teacher | Drama and Theater Lecturer who is:
8. Entrepreneurs in the Field of Indonesian Language and Literature Learning | Entrepreneurs in the Field of Indonesian Language, Literature Learning who are: